Yessiree, either stop reading now or continue with a warning. ;)
Today we had a work day--with my church. Or at least some of my church. And everytime we have a work day, I find it SO much fun. Otherwise I'd just find a way to stay with my mom or something. But I love helping people. And if you [guys] have been reading my blog for a while, I'm sure you have noticed my Honduras posts. I love the whole fact that I'm not being lazy and I'm actually doing something worth while. =D
Anywhooooo, we were working at a Child Ministry building that an "elderly" (they honestly aren't that old...) couple owns. They do a Bible school during the summer and a ton other stuff. But they go to my church, and that's one of the reasons why we were helping. :)
--The building is pretty big, but we were just doing the front lawn (since there's really no other lawn), and it was on VERY busy street. There were not only adults, but kids and teenagers working! It was fun, and we no one is ever excluded from any type of work unless it's children with dangerous tools. :P
Some of the young-adults and kids were out on the sidewalk trimming and raking a hedge. I had a pair of clippers and I noticed there were people looking at us from the bus stop that we had to pass in order to get to the hedge on the outer side.
I wasn't proud of them staring, but I was happy.
After our work we had a devotion. And usually at every event/gathering (whatever) we have we have a devotion. It's really nice.
Well this one was about missionary work-- and how we seperate people, even if we're Christians. There are the missionaries. And what's so different about them? Well people just seperate them by saying they go out to a foreign country and start preaching the gospel. This might be missionary work--but... it's not about leaving the country. The work is about preaching/witnessing (because ladies should not be preachers, thats why I added the slash) EVERYWHERE we go.
Some of the greatest work of telling people about Jesus could be inside your neighbors house! It does NOT have to be somewhere special. It's already special enough that you witnessed.
The people watching us... Some us were asked what we thought about the devotion. And everyone's answers were great. I also found that we were doing missionary work ourselves. See, what I saw was people standing by a building that ministers to children about the gospel--with a huge sign saying "Children Evangelistic Ministries", which was INCREDIBLY obvious to others-- looking at Christian kids to adults working and helping another person.
It was a great feeling. And I loved it. And I learned that we don't need to do something extremely important in order to tell people about Christ. :)
God bless!
(P.S. I saw on the poll that most people wanted a new layout--and I couldn't agree more. It wasn't the best, even if I did like it some. So I hope you guys like this one better!! :))
So ture. A missionary, at least in my mind, is someone who spreads the love of Christ. We can be missionaries too, if we ask God to use us, He will.
That sounds so cool. And it's so true.
Love the new layout!!!!
God Bless,
Sounds like a great opportunity!
P.S. I am a homeschooled teenage girl who is new to your blog, feel free to stop by my blog.
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Aw, I wish we could've been there!
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